Beyond Nike and Adidas: A Dive into Fresh Sneaker Branding Ideas | 2024

Mohit Gopal
3 min readJan 30, 2024

Are you stepping into the world of sneaker entrepreneurship, eager to leave your mark on the industry? Your journey begins with a crucial decision — choosing the perfect brand name. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate world of sneaker branding, exploring the current market trends and unveiling a treasure trove of unique brand name suggestions from my latest presentation.

Current Market Analysis:

The sneaker industry is no stranger to juggernauts like Nike and Adidas, whose names have become synonymous with innovation and style. But in a market saturated with giants, how does a newcomer carve out their space? The answer lies in crafting a brand name that not only stands out but also resonates with the target audience.

In my recent research, I’ve delved deep into the world of sneaker brand names, uncovering a diverse range of suggestions that balance trendiness with timeless appeal. From edgy and modern to classic and sophisticated, each suggestion in my presentation is a carefully curated gem aimed at inspiring and guiding aspiring sneaker entrepreneurs.

Tips for Choosing a Sneaker Brand Name:

Choosing a brand name is no small feat. It’s a delicate dance between creativity and practicality. As you embark on this journey, consider your target audience, the vibe you want to convey, and the legal aspects of trademarking your brand. A memorable name is the first step towards creating a lasting impression.

I’ve researched what domains are available at the time I was looking out for the ideas. Below you will see the current sneaker companies taking a rise in India.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the sneaker industry, certain brands have not only established themselves as household names but have also witnessed a remarkable surge in orders, reflecting the dynamic preferences of the market. Each of these brands not only captures the essence of contemporary fashion but also resonates with a diverse audience, setting new standards in the competitive world of athletic footwear.

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Mohit Gopal

Understanding & improving the User Experience | UX Researcher | UI Designer